National Library of Scotland Publications

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours
  1. National Library of Scotland brochure package regarding collections etc.
  2. Olive M. Geddes, A Swing Through Time: Golf in Scotland 1457- 1743. Edinburgh: HMSO, 1992.
  3. Poster for Scotland First Portrayed: The Story of John Slezers THEATRUM SOCTIAE of 1693.
  4. Poster for European Treasures: The Shared Inheritance exhibit 1992-1993.
  5. National Library ofScotland Annual Report 1991-1992.
  6. Margaret Wilkes, The Scot and His Maps. Motherwell: Scottish Library Association, 1991.
  7. Pamphlet, The Last Letter of Mary Queen of Scots.
  8. Reproduction, The Last Letter of Mary Queen of Scots.
  9. Pamphlet, The Massacre of Glencoe.
  10. Reproduction, Burns, A Poets Welcome to his Love-begotten daughter.
  11. 11th Clan Parliament 1990 pamphlet. 
  12. Exhibition results from 1990-1992.
  13. Robert Lewis Stevenson, List of Centenary Year Events Currently Known.
  14. Slezers. 



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14 publications

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