Login to the Course Reserve (Ares) system
The Course Reserve (Ares) system allows instructors to make course materials available to enrolled students in one convenient place.
- Course reserve materials are made available in online formats whenever possible.
- Physical reserve items are available to borrow on a first come, first served basis. The physical reserve collection is a self-serve collection located on the first floor of the library adjacent to the Ask Us Desk.
- Physical reserve items may be borrowed on a four hour loan. A few reserve titles are available on a one day (24 hour) or three day loan.
- Use the self-check unit adjacent to the reserve collection to check out physical reserve items.
- If you borrow a course reserve item, please return it to the Reserve Return Shelves rather than the book return bins.
How to find items in the course reserve system (Ares)
- Login to Ares to find materials that your instructor has placed on course reserve. Your instructor may also have made Ares course reserve materials available via CourseLink.
- Online materials can be accessed directly by clicking on the View Item link in Ares. If you are off campus you may be prompted to sign in using your U of G credentials.
- If the item is a print book or other physical item, check availability in Omni or Ares before coming to the library.
- Locate the item yourself in the self-serve reserve collection near the Ask Us Desk. Instructions for borrowing physical reserve items are posted adjacent to the collection.
- If you need access to course materials that are not currently listed in Ares, please contact your instructor.
Faculty & instructors
- Course reserves (Ares) gives your students convenient access to a wide range of your course materials from the library collection, such as books, e-books, book chapters, journal articles and streaming media, as well as your own copies of books and other print materials.
- All material posted in Ares is copyright-compliant, meets the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and can be directly integrated into CourseLink.
- Print books may also be placed on reserve and are made available to students on a four hour loan. Some titles can be made available on a one-day (24 hour) loan if there are multiple copies. At your request, items may also be made available for a three-day loan.
- Learn how to place materials on reserve for your course
- Learn how to import Ares course reserves into your CourseLink site
- Learn about e-books and course reserves
- Learn how to request streaming media for your course
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