When you search in Omni, you’re automatically searching our local collections and subscriptions as well as print books and electronic journal articles from Omni partner libraries. To request an item found in Omni, first sign-in to see the request options. Electronic articles and scans for articles from print journals are delivered directly to your U of G email, often within 24 hours (source permitting). Print items are delivered to McLaughlin Library, or another Omni library of your choosing, for in-person pick-up at no cost to current students, staff, and faculty. You will receive an email when the item is available for pick-up on the first floor of the library.
If you can't find what you need in Omni, we can still meet your research needs. Click the "Can't Find It?" button at the top of Omni to find our Interlibrary Loan form. Interlibrary Loan Services provides current U of G students, faculty, and staff access to materials that are not available in the U of G and Omni partner library collections. Fill out the citation of the item you need, and we will do our best to deliver that item to you as quickly as possible. You can also request materials through the Get it at Guelph button located in most other databases and through the LibKey Nomad browser extension.
Please note:
- This service is not available to retirees, alumni, community borrowers, or reciprocal borrowers.
- Overdue fines on certain items accrue at $1/day, with no maximum.
- All electronic articles, scans, and copies provided through this service are subject to copyright and vendor licensing limitations. Some items may be required to be supplied as a print item.
- Some materials such as popular reading titles, test prep manuals (e.g. LSAT, GMAT, IELTS, etc.), and textbooks/course readings fall outside the scope of Interlibrary Loan Services.
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