“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.”
Have you ever been to Stratford, Ontario? The southwestern city is known for its Stratford Festival where it stages modern and Shakespearean plays in Victorian buildings that dot the city like stars on a map. However, sometimes seeing a play live isn’t always possible.
Did you know that you can watch plays and other productions from your home? You can stream quality video collections of recent theatre productions from the comfort of your couch with Digital Theatre+ (DT+)! Some examples of Digital Theatre+’s collections include Shakespeare, classics, new writing, and more!
Digital Theatre+ is designed to support the teaching of English, drama, theatre and performing studies, and so much more by bringing live performances into your classroom, library, or home. Digital Theatre+ provides a range of educational resources for illustration, explanation, and critical reflection about the plays and how they have been staged.
You don’t have to be a theatre studies major or faculty member to enjoy DT+. Classic performances like Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, and more can all be found on DT+. DT+ also provides additional material including interviews with notable past and present theatre actors and directors. As well, the site has videos covering topics of performance theory and criticism including the politics of naturalistic theatre and insights into the creative processes of a director.
Other institutions including Queens University, Canada and Liverpool John Moores University, UK have spoken highly of DT+, describing it as an invaluable resource in support of teaching. DT+ has gained a reputation among other institutions of being accessible, relevant, and interesting.
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