The library’s collections are vast, intriguing, and continually expanding. Two of our acquisitions are the full, cover-to-cover content of the Toronto Star (1894 to 2016) and Maclean’s Magazine (1905-2015), where campus users can easily explore many aspects of Canadian history, politics, and social life during the 20th Century. “These core Canadian publications are a rich record of political and social events and issues, and provide important context for understanding Canadian perspectives and our nation’s role in the world over the past century,” said Helen Salmon, collections librarian (humanities).
This acquisition will be useful for students and researchers in the humanities and social sciences, as well as anyone who has an interest in print media, or understanding history through primary sources. To pique the interest of those who want to see the City of Guelph highlighted, here is a copy of a Maclean’s feature on the Royal City published on October 15, 1940. For those looking to read about the U of G, check out the Toronto Star’s profile of the campus community from 1985, or this article from the Maclean’s university rankings in 1999, where the U of G placed first in the comprehensive category. These are just a couple examples of the wealth of information you can find while browsing these collections.
New library purchases are managed through the Collections & Content Team. The team is responsible for the acquisition, development and curation of the library’s electronic and print collections to support U of G’s learning, teaching and research, and ensuring that relevant, unique, and useful resources are available for library users.
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