Library Services and Resources to Help You Succeed
At the library, we have services and resources that are designed to help you reach your academic goals. No matter where you are in your academic journey, there is something for you. Remember, you can access these at any time you want to build your academic skill set. Our services and resources are here whenever you want to access them—not only for when you feel like you need them.
Book a Library Appointment
Booking an appointment at the library is easy. Whether you’re conducting research, writing a paper, preparing for a presentation, or studying for an exam, there's support at the library for you. Appointments are offered in-person, or online, for topics like:
- Writing
- Research assistance
- English language support
- Studying
- Time management
- Presentation skills
- And more!
Attend a Supported Learning Group
Supported Learning Groups (SLGs) are group study sessions led by upper-year undergraduate students. Open to all students enrolled in supported courses, you can join every week or drop in whenever you need. While SLGs are typically held in person at the library, some sessions may also be offered online. Be sure to check the schedule for more information!
Why take part in SLGs during midterm season?
- Review course material and learn effective study strategies
- Find what you know and what you need to improve
- Gain confidence and stay motivated
- Meet fellow students in your class and have fun
Find Online Resources to Use at Your Own Pace
The library’s Digital Learning Commons features a range of online guides, handouts, and videos designed to help you build essential skills for success in a university setting. Here are some resources to explore during midterms:
- Presentation Planning 101: Learn how to create an outline, plan your visuals, and set the scope of your presentation.
- Succeed at Exams: This comprehensive guide helps you plan, review, and keep your health and environment for success.
- Make the Most of Office Hours: Set up specific goals for your meetings with professors.
- Study Smarter, Not Harder: This handout teaches the differences between passive and active learning.
- Templates for Writing Thesis Statements: This template helps you effectively build a thesis statement.
- Note-Taking and Writing Tips to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism: This guide covers two techniques and five tips on avoiding plagiarism.
- Study Effectively: Discover tools and strategies that can help you develop effective study habits.
Attend a Library Workshop
We offer a range of workshops each month. Check out what’s coming up on the library's workshops & events calendar.
Support from Student Wellness
Student Wellness provides health and wellbeing support and services to students at U of G. If you’re in need, explore what’s available to you. If you’re in crisis, access urgent help.
Contact us. We’re happy to help.
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