Faculty, staff, graduate students, as well as scholars at any career stage are invited to join Wilfrid Laurier University Press editor Siobhan McMenemy and University of Alberta Press editor Mat Buntin for the From Book Manuscript to Publication book publishing seminar hosted by the McLaughlin Library’s Writing Services and Research and Scholarship Teams.
Taking place on Monday, February 27 from 12 to 1:15 p.m., this seminar will provide an overview of the publishing process and include a question-and-answer period exploring how to bring your book manuscript to publication. The focus will be on scholarly book publishing with an emphasis on the processes and norms of university presses in Canada.
The presentation will concentrate on publishing work in the humanities and social sciences, including interdisciplinary scholarship. The seminar content will be tailored to the attendees as much as possible.
Topics of discussion will include:
How to locate the appropriate publisher for your work
How to prepare a book proposal
How to turn your thesis into a book
The peer review process
Sources of funding for scholarly books
Mutual expectations of publishers and authors
The event will be hosted in a hybrid format with options to attend in person in Room 384 in the library or online on Zoom. Register today!
If you have questions about this event and/or require accommodations, please email writing specialist Jodie Salter at jsalter@uoguelph.ca
Should you wish to discuss a specific book project or have additional questions following the seminar, you are welcome to contact Siobhan at smcmenemy@wlu.ca and/or Mat at buntin@ualberta.ca They would love to hear from you!
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