As of January 1, 2024, the cancellation of the library’s Springer Journal package took effect. This means that for most Springer journal titles, we will no longer receive new issues published, from 2024 onward. Full details about this change can be found on the Update on Springer Journals page.
Details about access to Springer journals going forward:
- This does not impact our subscriptions to Nature Online, or our other Nature journal subscriptions, which we negotiate through a separate contract with Springer.
- We will continue to retain all back issues of Springer journal titles (2023 and older) in perpetuity. Library users can continue to access these previously published articles SpringerLink, or by searching in Omni.
- We have retained subscriptions to a small number of high-use Springer titles (62 titles total). The entire list of journals we’ll continue to receive new issues of can be found on the Update on Springer Journals page.
Throughout the fall semester, the library worked to communicate the Springer update to the campus community, in anticipation of this change. You can find more information about why we’re cancelling our Springer package on our budget and collections pages. To quickly find any open access versions of Springer articles when searching online, add LibKey Nomad to your browser extension.
Should you have any questions, or concerns, please email Amanda Etches, interim university librarian, at ul@uoguelph.ca.
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