During the winter 2024 semester, we conducted an undergraduate survey to get a pulse on what undergraduate students at U of G think of the library and our services. Upon its completion, the survey had 1,000 respondents, representative of nearly every program at U of G. “It’s critical for us to know as much as we can about what matters to students when it comes to the library. This helps us plan and adjust to meet students’ needs,” said Robin Bergart, librarian, Assessment & Reporting.
What students had to say
General findings:
- 89 per cent said their overall experience of the library is very good or excellent and that the library is a safe and welcoming place that helps them succeed as a student.
- They value the variety of study space the library offers, and appreciate spaces for quiet concentration, or passionate group discussions.
- Students would like to see more group study spaces, which can be at a premium during peak times.
- They’d also appreciate better compliance in quiet zones.
Quotes from students:
- “I value the welcoming environment that aids and effectively pushes students to become productive and study by themselves or in groups,” said a first-year student, Studio Art.
- “My ability to concentrate when I’m surrounded by people who are working hard is higher. I enjoy the comfort I feel, it becomes my second home during midterm and exam season,” said a third-year student, Political Science.
- “I like that it is a clean and comfortable environment with different areas for different purposes. I can either work with a group or some friends to talk and do some work, but if I really need to get things done, I can go to the quiet study sections and accomplish a lot. The individual sections are cozy and very much limit distractions, and the environment of many students studying contributes to a focused work session,” said a fourth-year student, Management Co-Op.
A big thank you goes out to all students who took part in the survey. “We really appreciate that so many students made the effort to share their perspectives with us! We value the feedback and plan to use what we’ve learned to continue to make improvements to the library to support student success,” said Amanda Etches, university librarian.
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