As part of an ongoing review of library services and infrastructure, we’ve decided to close the library’s Media Studio, effective July 19, 2024. This includes physical spaces (editing suites, podcast studio), instructional services, equipment lending, software subscriptions and support for digital assignment creation.
The library will continue supporting classes using the Media Studio for the summer semester. All media studio users who have current bookings have been contacted to be informed of the changes.
“We understand that this will be disappointing to some members of our community. Closing the Media Studio was a difficult decision for us, but one that we felt was necessary to make, given limited resources and competing priorities,” said Amanda Etches, interim university librarian.
Moving forward, the library will support users in media and digital literacy via online resources, guides, and eLearning content, all of which can be found on the Digital Learning Commons. Some resources include:
- Film a Good Quality Video on Your Smartphone
- Record a Podcast
- What is Digital Storytelling?
- Instructor Toolkit: Create a Digital Assignment
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