New Workshop Series Alert: SPSS Micro

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours
Last updated: December 3, 2024 12:13 EST
SPSS Micro Workshop Series

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new workshop series, SPSS Micro, coming January 2025! This series provides a statistics tune-up in the SPSS software so you can correctly analyze your U of G research data. “We offer workshops like these to help researchers—who may still be developing their skills—learn the tools and techniques properly. We're hoping to provide a centralized resource that any researcher on campus can use to hone their skills,” said Dr. Lindsay Plater, data analyst, Research & Scholarship. 

In these interactive 30-minute workshops, you’ll learn: 

  • How to effectively use SPSS to conduct statistical analyses correctly 
  • How to identify data types to determine which is the most appropriate statistical test. 
  • How to conduct a range of quantitative inferential statistics from start to finish, including assessing the assumptions of the test, and determining whether you need the parametric or the non-parametric version of the test. 

Attendees can expect to receive a copy of the dataset and the slides so you can refer to them at any time. 

“Learning how to do statistics correctly and learning how to use a new software, or brushing up on this skill, is exceedingly useful for any researcher who is working with ‘numbers-data’,” said Plater. 

Who are these workshops for? 

  • These workshops are open to everyone within the U of G community, including graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty, instructors, researchers, and staff. 

Want to learn more about SPSS before workshops begin? 

Dr. Lindsay Plater holds a PhD in neuroscience and applied cognitive science from the University of Guelph. She has 12+ years of quantitative statistical expertise and can help ensure you are analyzing your number data correctly. 


Contact us. We’re happy to help. 


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