March 21 is World Poetry Day – a day to celebrate and honour poets and their contributions to the art form. Established in 1999 by UNESCO, the day seeks to promote linguistic diversity and give voice to endangered languages.
Interested in poetry? Here are a few works that you can find and check out from the library:
And still, I rise – Maya Angelou: In this series of poems, Angelou underscores the theme of unwavering hope amidst challenges, portraying the resilience to overcome adversity and discouragement. Throughout her poetry, she advocates for her race and gender, emphasizing the strength and resilience of her community.
Milk and Honey – Rupi Kaur: "Milk and Honey" is a collection of poetry and prose exploring survival through themes of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity, divided into four chapters each addressing different pains, yet ultimately finding sweetness in life's bitter moments.
Out there somewhere – Simon J. Ortiz: Ortiz's deeply personal collection delves into the complexities of Native American experiences amidst Euro-American cultural influences, exploring themes of redemption, resilience, and the sustaining power of Native beliefs in the face of adversity.
Citizen – Claudia Rankine: "Citizen" by Claudia Rankine reveals the relentless racial aggressions in contemporary life, highlighting their impact on individuals' speech, performance, and sense of belonging in a supposedly "post-race" society.
Want to find more? Explore in Omni, or come by and browse the library stacks in-person. You can find a variety of poetry in the Gryph Reads Collection and throughout the stacks.
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