The Director, Library Administration Services contributes to the overall strategy of the library and oversees the following teams:
Kelly Bertrand comes to this role with over 25 years of financial and administrative experience, including 13 years in an audit career in the federal government and private industry.
Kelly has acquired significant experience in space and facilities planning and renewal, including chairing the Library Master Space Planning Project. He was the key department lead in a 20 million dollar renovation. Kelly is also the Chair of the Professional Staff Association at U of G, which represents over 800 professional and managerial staff on campus.
In his spare time he has completed more than ten marathons, including four trips to the Boston Marathon. In order to give back to the University community that has provided him with a rewarding career and opportunities, he funds an annual scholarship for the Gryphon Cross Country Team.
Kelly Bertrand
Director, Library Administration Services
519-824-4120 Ext. 53359
Julie Bedard
Administrative Assistant
519-824-4120 Ext. 56230
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