Suggest a New Resource

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours

Don't see what you need for teaching, learning, or research in our library collection?

We are here to help. Suggest a resource by filling out our resource suggestion form below and we will consider a purchase or subscription.

In the meantime, you might try to obtain the required item through interlibrary loan.

Streaming media requests are exclusively intended for faculty and instructors for course use. Submit a streaming media request for your course using the Ares Course Reserve system.

Resource information

How will you use the resource?

Your contact information

The library is committed to ensuring that members of our user community with disabilities have equal access to our services and resources and that their dignity and independence is always respected. If you encounter a barrier and/or need an alternate format, please fill out our Library Print and Multimedia Alternate-Format Request Form. Contact us if you’d like to provide feedback: