We offer two modes of data workshops to suit your own learning preferences and needs:
Data Skills Immersion Program
Learn new data skills or get a refresher any time and at your own pace.
Log into CourseLink, click on Self Registration, and select Data Skills Immersion.
- Gain foundational knowledge of how to collect, manage, clean, analyze, and visualize all types of data.
- Practice your skills with real-world data using tools like Qualtrics, OpenRefine, SPSS, NVivo, ArcMap, Voyant, and Tableau.
- Build your skills and your resume!
- Earn a Grad Pathways Skills Development Certificate.
This program is organized into 9 modules:
- Data basics
- Data management
- Getting data
- Introduction to survey creation with Qualtrics
- Cleaning and preparing data (using OpenRefine)
- Analyzing data (using SPSS, NVivo, ArcMap, and ArcGIS)
- Analyzing text (using AntConc, Exploratory, Google Ngram, HathiTrust Bookworm, MALLET, Stanford NER, and Voyant)
- Visualizing data (using Excel and Tableau)
- Researcher stories
Upcoming workshops
Learn from the pros and ask questions with these live online workshops.
- There are no upcoming workshops at the moment. Check back soon for more, or browse our full workshop calendar to see the other workshops we offer.
Data Appointments
You can also book an online appointment with us to receive personalized support to improve your data skills. When you meet with us, we can discuss your data project in more detail, and build on the skills you've already developed.
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