Open Access Journal Hosting

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours

The library maintains an Open Journal System (OJS), a platform which maintains, stores, and automates the publishing process for online, open access journals.

We are interested in working with new journals, and can support a journals transition from commercial publishers to our OJS. If you would like to work with us, please take the following steps: 

  1. Review the appropriate background documents for your situation:
  2. Draft a basic journal plan which includes:
    1. A journal manager (ie. a person having either a managing editor, editor-in-chief or equivalent role in the journal, as described in the OJS documentation) with a current  University of Guelph affiliation as either faculty, staff, researcher, or student.
    2. A unique journal title  
    3. A clearly-defined aim and scope articulating the purpose and intent of the journal and the types and topics of content it plans to publish. Journals should be scholarly, and address one or more subject areas taught and researched at University of Guelph
    4. A business model which incorporates:
      • Peer-review
      • Full and immediate open access to the article Version of Record
      • No subscriptions (paywalls)
      • No author charges (e.g. APC – article processing charges)
      • No embargo period (delay in making an article/issue readable)
  3. Then contact us to discuss your ideas

If you would like to see all of the Open Journals that we host, please visit our Open Journals homepage. Our active journals are:

Get assistance

We can talk to you about hosting an online open access journal.

The library is committed to ensuring that members of our user community with disabilities have equal access to our services and resources and that their dignity and independence is always respected. If you encounter a barrier and/or need an alternate format, please fill out our Library Print and Multimedia Alternate-Format Request Form. Contact us if you’d like to provide feedback: