
Today's Hours: 8am - 12am - All service hours

To use our wireless network, you'll need a laptop or tablet with an 802.11 a/g/n compatible wireless network card (most newer laptops come with this capability built-in) and a University of Guelph central login account.

Guests visiting the University of Guelph can acquire temporary access to the campus network for free by obtaining a U of G Guest Access Account at the Ask Us Desk. Guests will be given a login ID and password that will provide basic Internet connectivity for web browsing (HTTP/HTTPS) and secure shell (SSH) on the uog-guest wireless for a specified period of time. 
Students, staff, and faculty from other Canadian educational institutions can utilize the Inter-University Connectivity (eduroam) with credentials from their home institutions, and do not need a U of G Guest Access Account. Note: use your full institutional email address and password to connect to eduroam.

More information about wireless at U of G

The library is committed to ensuring that members of our user community with disabilities have equal access to our services and resources and that their dignity and independence is always respected. If you encounter a barrier and/or need an alternate format, please fill out our Library Print and Multimedia Alternate-Format Request Form. Contact us if you’d like to provide feedback: lib.a11y@uoguelph.ca