In June 2022, the UX Team initiated a project to enhance the usability of the AZ Database List.
Research Questions
How can we improve the usability of the AZ Database List?
- Reviewed previous UX studies
- Conducted a literature review
- Conducted an environmental scan of AZ Database Lists at other academic libraries
- Analyzed analytics and heatmaps
- Engaged with various library stakeholders
Our Recommendations
- Remove “/Browse All Databases” label from Clear Filters button
- Make the Clear Filters button a colour
- Make alphabet menu more prominent
- Add U of G Library specific blurb under header at top of the page
- Add the chat widget to the bottom right of the page
- Apply the library website template (header, nav menu, and footer) to the page for continuity
- Bring back “Best Bets 2.0” with new name and new look (eg. "Key Databases")
- Add vendor icons (if appropriate)
- Remove Vendor dropdown
- Consider other tags: peer reviewed, full text, some full text, abstracts only, primary source, government, images, video, newspapers, available in Omni
- Ensure database descriptions and dropdown boxes are accurate
- Improve the search so it's not so exacting
- Add more subjects to reflect new programs, like Indigenous, law, improvisation, education and to address gaps (based on courses)
- Consider the following more strategic questions:
- What is the strategy for exposing users to the AZ List given our resources and effort with Omni. How do we think about the user journey?
- How does the AZ list fit within the broader research and library ecosystem?
- What is the AZ list for? access, discovery, recall, feeding LibGuides, guiding and curating
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