In October 2024, we convened four focus groups of graduate students. In all, 14 students participated. We recruited a demographic mix of Masters level and PhD students from different disciplines, some domestic and some international students, and some students who had previously studied at U of G.
Research questions
- How do graduate students experience the library?
- Do they use our spaces, services, programs, and resources?
- How do they discover what the library has to offer?
- What do graduate students see as undergraduate students’ biggest academic challenges?
- What do graduate students think is the value of the library?
- In-person and online focus groups
What did we learn?
- Students expressed that they feel overlooked by the library because they are overshadowed by the much larger undergraduate population.
- Their work is year-round and follows a different rhythm from the typical undergrad calendar.
- Library workshops can be helpful, but many are too generic for their needs.
- They want to know what’s coming up in the library at the beginning of the semester so they can plan for it.
- They want the “human touch” and do not want to be directed to online materials in lieu of 1:1 appointments.
- The Graduate Student Association newsletter is the best way to reach them.
- There is an appetite for library space designated for graduate students only.
- They are satisfied with the resource collections. Few used the journal databases as Omni was sufficient.
- As TAs, they see their students’ challenges as preparing for exams, citing references, writing, and presenting.
- Outreach to graduate students is best done through the Graduate Student Association.
- Offer graduate students earlier appointments in the semester before appointments are available to undergraduate students.
- Create a graduate student webpage on the library website.
- Extend the number of hours a student can book a grad study room.
- Create group space for graduate students.
- Allocate private bookable rooms for online meetings.
- Provide early in the semester orientations to graduate students.
- Advertise the semester’s full slate of library workshops early in the semester.
- Make graduate students who are TAs aware of resources and services for their students.
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