Library Website Usability Study

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours
In April 2021, the UX Team tested the usability of the library website 1 year after launch of the new site.

Research questions

  • Can users complete the usability tasks?
  • Are there navigation pain points?
  • Are there terminology pain points?


  • We conducted usability tests remotely over Teams.

  • 19 students participated.

What did we learn?

  • Most users indicated they Google information rather than navigate the website

  • We found some consistent pain points, particularly around requesting items in Omni and using the archives request form.

  • This study reinforced the importance of making webpages easy to skim and scan.


  • Even though users prefer search over navigation, the navigation menus should be maintained so they are easily browsable (short list) and use specific terms rather than broad categories. 

  • Make it easier to find the request item link in Omni.

  • Make it easier to request items from the Archives. 

  • In a future project, review the organization of the homepage to maximize discovery of workshops and new collections.

Year of Study


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