In November 2024, sixteen students from a variety of disciplines and from first year undergrad to Masters level participated in a usability study of the library website's homepage.
Research questions
- How do students use (or not) the homepage?
- What do students use the website for?
- Where do students go to find research articles?
- Have they used the Journal Databases list or the citation guides?
- What tips would they give a new student about the library?
- Think aloud usability test
What did we learn?
- With a couple of exceptions, most of the students were unfamiliar with the library website homepage.
- Book a study room and Omni were the top uses of the website, followed by the mark calculator and building capacity.
- When asked to go to the library website, all of the students used Google to get to get there.
- When asked to complete tasks, some left the website and used Google to find the answers.
- “Journal databases” is a confusing term for many library users.
- Students in this study didn’t think of the library website as a place to find citation guidance.
- Some participants expressed a desire for a place that lets them see all library services at a glance.
- Improve the library website by making library services more transparent to users.
- Keep Omni, hours, building capacity, and book study space in prominent places on the homepage.
- Instatus service disruption messages were universally ignored, seen as irrelevant, and not understood. Perhaps they don’t need to take up prime real estate.
- None of the students looked beneath the “fold.” Don’t allocate a lot of staff time to improving this area of the homepage.
- Consider new ways of presenting “what the library does” in a snapshot.
- Consider whether Library Guides and Course Reserves should be so prominently displayed.
- Under “Using the Library” changes Spaces to Study Spaces.
- Consider changing the label “Book Appointments” to something more descriptive.
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