Item Request

Today's Hours: 8am - 10pm - All service hours

To access materials from Archival & Special Collections please book an appointment in advance of filling out this form.

Archival material held in McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph can be found by searching the Archives database. Rare books and monographs can be found in the library's online catalogue, Omni. To limit your search results in Omni to items in our holdings, select "Archival & Special Collections" under "U of G Location" in the left-hand sidebar.

Borrower information
Item information

For each item below, please provide the following:

  • For archival items include: Reference code, title, and URL from the Archives database. For example: CA F711-2-2-14, Dundas Valley Golf and Country Club,
  • For books include: Call number, title, URL from Omni, and description if needed. For example: s0112b09, Maud: A Monodrama,
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